WTF is Mixed Reality?

Welcome to Maker Moments, our monthly series where we feature guest contributions to our blog from QuickFrame’s Maker Community.

This blog was written by QuickFrame maker Amir Koji, founder and CEO of FATCAT DIGITAL.

What is Mixed reality?

As a child who was a huge fan of Sci-Fi movies, I was first encountered with Mixed Reality by watching Jumanji (1995). The movie was about a magical jungle-themed board game which unleashes a virtual world of adventure on siblings and mixed the real and the game’s inner world.

It was damn good.

Mixed Reality (MR) is merging of real world and virtual environment to create a new world where objects can interact in real time. This does not mean that MR takes place either in real world or virtual one, but is a combination of Augmented Reality (AR), where objects are added to physical world, and Virtual Reality (VR) where you are immersed in a fully virtual world.

Why Mixed Reality?

MR is absolutely the best way to show what is going on inside virtual reality on a 2D screen.

There are many practical ways to use Mixed Reality, including design, entertainment, education and remote working. Imagine experiencing a boring history lesson in a MR world instead of reading book! must be cool. ain’t it?

My favorite Mixed reality benefit as a digital nomad is the potential to beam people into a virtual shared space with their colleagues through a holographic representation. And guess what! I’m not the only fan. Even Bob Ross uses MR for the joy of Tilt Brush.

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How to create Mixed Reality

Our first experience working on a Mixed Reality project in “FATCAT DIGITAL” was 2020 Tencent WE Summit.

The customer wanted users to experience an interactive virtual conference where the greatest minds in science gather (but this year in a Mixed Reality environment.)

We created an online experience, allowing attendees and the audience at home to explore the micro universe all around them.

Our next MR project was an interesting one we got from QuickFrame.

It was a campaign to create numerous Mixed Reality Trailers (MRT) for Oculus VR headset for Facebook in both production and post production phase.

This is step-by-step of how we created Mixed Reality Trailers (MRT):

  1. We watched the environment carefully and planned a scenario of player’s actions .
  2. We built a rough plan for how to shoot while trying to have variety of shot as we could to put that all together in a nice package.
  3. We shot and composited the player into the virtual game (this is what we basically shot on green screen).
  4. We brought some covered in green objects to replace with inside game objects for the player to interact easier with (those were replaced in post-production later on).
  5. We put the pieces of the puzzle together in post-production and voila!

Maker Corner January FATCAT DIGITAL Amir KojiAmir Koji is Founder and CEO of “FATCAT DIGITAL” fluid agency. He started his career by working for TV and commercial industry in Kuala Lumpur for a decade, later on he found his passion in creating videos and started to work as Videographer in a production house. He spent few years traveling the world, producing and creating content while exploring awesome places. When he arrived to Bali island he decided stay there which gave him the opportunity to work remotely with TV channels and agencies. On 2020 Amir ran his own agency he named it “FATCAT DIGITAL” and since then FATCAT created videos for gigantic customers including QuickFrame, Facebook, TikTok, Blizzard, Activision, Tencent, Clogate, SYFY and many more.

The main strength of “FATCAT DIGITAL” is a FAT combo of VERY Fair price + excellent quality, with 24/7 support of its multinational talented artists spread around the world.

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