Video Marketing Creatives We Love (January 2022)

In a content landscape that moves faster and is more crowded than ever before, making sure your ad creative is captivating and entertaining is a must. If you’re not producing a continuous stream of fresh video marketing ads, your competitors are going to leave you in the digital dust.

But keeping up with what types of video creative are trending can be difficult! That’s why we’ve rounded up some of our favorite videos we’ve recently enabled brands to produce to stimulate your creative brainstorming. This month we’re featuring brands that used 3D animation for stylish Educational content, utilized a COVID-safe filming location, and prioritized expert thought-leadership in a content marketing video. 

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Educational Content with Striking 3D Animation


What We Love

What’s not to love about an eye-catching 3D graphic like the one that takes center stage in this video from CBRE discussing utilization management in an office building? As they double click into specific targets, like Macro Building Availability and Desk/Seat Utilization targets, the camera creeps into the building and a cross-section emerges showing floors and desk space. Hold a creative brainstorming session with your team to see if there are opportunities to add truly thumb-stopping graphics to your video creative.

What’s also great about this ad is that it is pure educational content. CBRE is using this video to position themselves as a thought leader in the evolving landscape of work and office spaces that have surfaced since the pandemic. By adding in a CTA to the end card, they can use this video as a launching pad for future conversations with customers and prospects.

COVID-safe filming location

USA Family Protection

What We Love

We love this ad for two reasons. First, the setting. We love seeing an ad choose to place their creative in an outdoor location. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact how we conduct every aspect of our lives, choosing an outdoor setting can tell the audience something about USA Family Protection: they care about more than just protecting families. They care about protecting the talented creative team who produce their ad content by choosing a location that is far safer than shooting on a set or in a personal studio.

Second, we love that the ad copy directly speaks to a major pain point for anyone looking for a new insurance plan: the cost-benefits. In the copy, the spokesperson says that finding the right policy can be the difference between an “accident, and a financial disaster.” By speaking to their audience in such a frank way, it can inspire trust in their target consumer because they are speaking in a language that respects their reality.

Thought Leadership in Content Marketing Videos

Hearst Media

What We Love

Social proof is a powerful lever for turning your target audience into diehard consumers, but this Hearst Media collab between Neiman Marcus and Bazaar takes it to another level. Created in advance of their Fall line of products, Hearst Media put their personal fashion experts front and center to talk about new trends, how the last years have shaped fashion, and what consumers can expect in the coming year–all while showing off their own line of products, without ever expressly selling anything. 

Beyond the stellar content, the video has a slick, polished look that would appear as a native video ad on both linear television, CTV, and even on social media channels like YouTube. As you fight for attention on the crowded content landscape, making sure that your ads look visually appealing–as well as filled with all the vital information you want to convey to prospective customers–could be the final piece you need to turn that impression into a conversion.

Do More with Video

Learn how we can help you produce more quality videos affordably and at scale.